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All you need to do is pass MCSE-Windows Server 2016 certification exams and you can have the privilege of being most sought out by the employers. Windows Server 2012系统配置指南 Windows Server 2012网络管理与架站 Windows Server 2012 R2 Active Directory配置指南 2016目前我找完整个淘宝就只有台湾出的一本,还买了8天不发货。直接申请退钱了。目前没买,不知道如何。 WindowsServer2016系统管理与伺服器建置实战 HOW TO EXPLOIT ETERNALROMANCE/SYNERGY ON WINDOWS SERVER 2016 3 Introduction When Microsoft released patches for the MS17-010 vulnerability, it was exposed that the problem is affecting from Windows 7 (Punctually, was Vista, but well, that doesn't count :P) until Windows Server 2016.However, the "ETERNALS" exploits published by TheShadowBrokers are very unstable trying to Windows Server contains an incredible amount of technology, all wrapped up in one small installation disk. With Windows Server 2019, Microsoft has gotten us thinking out of the box about what it means to be a server in the first place, and comes with some exciting new capabilities that we will spend some time covering in these pages.